Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Cooking Vegan With Soul said...

wow......i hate to quote Paris Hilton, but this is hot! i love your photo blog! keep 'em coming.


Marc said...

Thank you. I'm glad you like it.

Wanderer247 said...

MS, I have to agree with Faythe, despite Hilty. This is hot.
This shot is something! The ID had a a lot to do with this shot.
The similarity of the books on the shelves to the tombstones in the distance is compelling and disturbing and comforting all at once. Leaving the legacy in our "books" of life, but the ever present grave that awaits us all.
Mr. Hamlet said, "...conscience doth make cowards of us all." But the warm light in the library is comforting that legacy keeps us alive and tells us...
the future is not yet written.
Very nice shot, MS.

Marc said...

Isn't it weird how the dead folks get all the grass and trees, and the live folks get this sterile environment? Glad you both like it. Thanks.

I like the fact that the people in the middle are just passing through.